Microsoft Certified TrainerMicrosoft Certified Systems Engineer

Expert Computer Consulting
Network Training & Consulting Services

Microsoft Certified Systems AdministratorMicrosoft Certified Professional

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Q: Why should I bring my computer to you?
A: Because I have been in the computer field for over 21 years and I am fully Microsoft Certified. Those logo's you see at the top of this page are not just advertisements for Microsoft, they are real certifications that I hold. When your computer comes to me I guarantee you will get specialized personal service and any questions you may have will be answered. You could chose to bring your computer to a big chain of repair shops but before you do just remember that most of their repair technicians have little to no experience, making just over minimum wage and they care more about their paycheck than you. 

Q: How long will it take to fix my problem?
A: It depends on your problem. Most problems can be diagnosed in about 1 hour. Spyware, Ad-ware, Mal-ware and Virus's take much longer to diagnose and repair. In extreme cases only a complete format and re-install will remove all problems.

Q: Do I need the original DVD's / CD's that came with my computer?
A: In most cases the answer is no. When your computer is done it will have all the latest drivers for your hardware.

Q: I had Microsoft Office on my computer before I brought it to you and now I don't, why? (This question applies to ANY software not included with the original CD's)
A: If you supply me with the original disks that came with your computer and Microsoft Office is on one of those CD's then I will install it for you. If you do not have the original CD's, you will need to purchase the software from a retail outlet.

Q: Can my data be saved?
A: In most cases yes. If I can access your hard drive then most, if not all of your data can be saved. If your hard drive can not be accessed then it can be very expensive to retrieve the data because your hard drive will have to be sent out to a lab for data retrieval. Your best chance of data recovery is to always backup your important data. In any case data retrieval can not be guaranteed.

Q: If I have you repair my computer what's to stop the same problem from happening again?
A: Nothing....If you have children using your computer, you can bet that it will most definitely happen again. If you yourself are an inexperienced user it will most likely happen again. I can only do so much to protect you, but I can not protect you from yourself!!!

Q: Will you pick up and deliver my computer?
A: Yes. I can pick up and deliver or you can drop it off to me.

Q: Do you offer any other services?
A: Yes. I offer personalized training at your home or business. You can have 1 or 2 hour training sessions. I will show you exactly how to do whatever it is that you want to learn how to do with your computer.

Q: I use America Online, can you still help me?
A: No

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Site Created & Designed By: Randy Desrochers